We Love You Merasheen

by Gerald Pearson

Come listen fellow islanders to what I have to say
Enjoy the great reunion that we’re having here today
Five years have passed since we met last
But let these meetings be many more
May the songs you sing and your laughter ring
Around our island shore.

Now all of you who have come so far
Throw your cares and woes behind
Join in the fun that has just begun
With the new and old friends you find.
Let’s not be shy, sing “Ise the Boy”,
Or any song that you know.

For Sunday comes, each and everyone
We’ll be sad cause it’s time to go.
So here’s to Merasheen my friends
The place that we call home
We’ll keep her in our thoughts I’m sure.
No matter how far we roam
And someday when the other man’s grass
Doesn’t seem to be so green
We’ll come home to stay, to work and play
For we love you Merasheen.